Dining Room

整面落地窗明亮寬敞的Dining Room
Entering Joyce East, customers are facing a sparkling foyer with full height glass panels, which stands in front of the spacious dining areas.

Stone Wall Panel 原石牆區

High ceiling, full height glass window, large blocks of stone wall and solid wood counter bring a good natural feeling at the dining areas

Chef Table 開放廚房

原木餐桌並可觀賞廚師於面前烹調的Open Kitchen Table
Various wines are displayed at the full size wine vitrine beside the imported meat displayed cabinet for customers’ own selections.

Lounge Bar

有紫色絲緞沙發及展示酒櫃的Lounge Bar,您可在紫色氛圍悠閒的享用香濃咖啡或是精選一瓶葡萄酒優雅地與好友相聚小酌。
A large cocktail lounge, furnished with international brand furniture & fixtures, such as Donghia sofas, armchairs and Barovier & Toso chandelier, inducing customers to enjoy few drinks with their pals, before dining.

VIP Rooms 貴賓廳房

設有五間貴賓廳房, 每間廳房都有獨立的出入口,隱密性高。
Five sizeable VIP rooms are located at the other end of Joyce East, with individual entrance, corridor, and washroom, providing another tranquil atmosphere for customers’ privacy.

Large Dining Room 宴會場地

Special conferences, parties and celebrations can be held by removing the sound proof operable partitions in between these VIP rooms, with a space in accommodating 60 guests for dining & 200-300 guests for cocktail reception at this area.