在走道上,您可見各類新鮮海產、肉品、開胃菜呈現在展示檯上。JOYCE EAST採用最新鮮、最健康的食材搭配當季蔬果來製作新潮料理。現拌沙拉、刨松露、現切烘烤牛肉及愛爾蘭咖啡等餐點都是在您桌邊料理。各式甜點及推薦酒款也由專業的服務人員以餐車服務送至您的面前享用。
套餐 (定期更換,讓您可以時時嚐鮮,有多樣化選擇)
● 商業午餐-每週更新,每週一~週五非假日提供,供應時段:11:30AM – 14:00PM
● 輕食下午茶-每日限量供應,供應時段:14:30PM – 16:30PM (暫停供應)
● 晚間套餐-每月更新,供應時段:17:30PM – 22:00PM
★ 欲了解最新套餐菜色或包場外燴詳細服務內容,請電洽訂席專線:(02)8789-6128。
Food & Beverage
Unlike conventional Italian cuisine, Joyce East always looks for the freshest and healthiest ingredients each season so as to presenta creative and unique concept of Italian cookery.
Customers will visualize the fresh seafood, Antipasto Misto, Hors D’eouvre, displayed along chef’s counter, when they step in the dining areas. Joyce East serves freshest and healthiest ingredients with daily seafood and seasonal vegetables. Tossed salads, truffle paste, roast beef and Irish coffee are served ‘beside of table’. Wine and dessert wagons are delivered to customer table with steward’s recommendations.
Set Meals
Set meals change from time to time for its wide range varieties.
● Business Set Lunch
Available from Monday to Friday 11:30am ~ 2:00pm (except public holidays)
-Menu updated weekly-
● High Tea Set (Suspended)
Available daily with limited supply. Operation hours: 2:30pm ~ 4:30pm
● Dinner Set Meal
Operation hours: 5:30pm ~ 10:00pm daily
-Menu updated monthly-
In addition of in-house dining, Joyce East also provides a wide range of flexible catering services for customers’ special requirements, such as private in-venue and outside catering delivery. Customized menus can be arranged to meet customers’ different tastes and preferences.
For more information of our latest dishes or catering service details, please contact us at (02)8789-6128.