JOYCE EAST於2005年開業,座落於信義商圈--鄰近101大樓及信義豪宅區,佔地約兩百坪採用寬敞挑高的格局打造出多層次的用餐區、酒吧間、貴賓廳房等環境,整體空間設計充滿著時尚感。
JOYCE EAST以優質精緻的新潮料理、尊寵的貼心服務,融合著如藝術且低調奢華的環境佈置,讓顧客能在味覺、視覺及服務品質上皆有最佳的享受。為此,JOYCE EAST將以最高標準來服務每位賓客。
Joyce East was opened in 2005. It is located in the prosperous Hsin Yin district near the most prestigious building ──Taipei 101 in Taipei. There are dining areas, cocktail lounge and private VIP rooms with 660 square meters extensive space, while customers enjoy delicious food, they also have the gorgeous decorative vision with exquisite artistic surrounding at Joyce East.
To offer superior nouvelle cuisine, high quality service with comfortable ambience to customers and to enhance our services to the best standard are Joyce East’s constant endeavors.